This whole month has been filled with excerpts, because there's just not a lot going on with golf right now, especially during a banner year of snowstorms. I ended up working only one day out of three last week due to school cancellations/snow days. It's interesting that the excerpt I am posting here mentions that we had no snow days that year.
Belinda and I did order our new camper, a Safari Condo Alto F2114, today. We even have a pick-up date and time. We will go to pick it up on August 30th at 9:00 AM. Remember this date...and that one. This is huge for us! We are very excited about this!
In a tiny bit of golf news, I passed the certification for The First Tee, but I am still stepping down (or aside) as the coach for Aztec this summer. I will help with the transition, though, of course.
I am going back and forth with posting this and talking to James on Messenger. He's in Jakarta now, outside of it in a city called Bandung. He is there to share the success of Creative HQ with government people in Indonesia. Wow!
Until next time...
Written on 5-27-02.
Summer’s almost here! We heard on Friday that we won’t have school for children on this coming Thursday. Usually, that last day is a half-day, but Mr. Magee and the principals decided that since we had enough contact hours and no snow days this year to cancel school this coming Thursday. I am thrilled. That means that we get to use that day as a workday instead.
I am very excited about this summer. I am eager to start practicing golf and have fun doing it! Without Spike Doctor, I can devote more time to golf this summer than ever before. I can’t wait.
I have some golf to write about, but first I also want to mention that I got to see...