Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Free and True

Written on 6-19-24.

      I just finished a Rypstick workout after warming up with a 20-minute treadmill run.  I didn’t know that I would run out of “free” trainings on the Rypstick app, so I had to start over again at the beginning.  At least, they kept all of my data.  I was still able to swing it at 101 m.p.h., thankfully.  

I wanted to get in Erika Larkin’s five steps for her “true swing” in here.  She shared them in a YouTube video, so I don’t feel like I am cheating.  Here they are…

1. The Heave

2. The Tipping Point

3. The Fall (into the lead leg)

4. The Pivot (no forcing)

5. The Release

Using the “heave” has really helped my swing lately, and I have stuck with this looser, freer swing.  I used it in Dallas when I played with Eric and when I shot my recent 88 with Greg.  I know that I shouldn’t use things from different types of programs, but I have now taken various parts from from Todd Graves, Tom Saguto, and Erika Larkin.

I got a Dick’s GC from Belinda for Father’s Day (thanks, B!), and I spent it already yesterday.  I got a new Nike white baseball glove, because the black one was ripping.  I shifted the black one into the practice glove spot.  I also bought a new grip for my 58º wedge and had it double-wrapped.  It felt so skinny in my hands, and I want to take my hands out of my short game a bit more.  We’ll see how it works out when I play in Pagosa Springs this Saturday.  I moved our tee time to that day, because it looks like thunderstorms and rain on Friday.

Until next time…

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My First Puttshack Experience

Written on 6-17-24.

     Ah, a Monday in the summertime.  Glorious.  We leave for Capote on Thursday, and we will play golf on Friday at Pagosa Springs.  I have already set the tee time, and it will be just Grant, Eric, and me this year.  Let me check the weather that day.  It shows a 50% chance of storms, but the high will be 71º.  Better take our rain gear.

Back to more golf…

The Puttshack was fun.  It had a “meat market/bar/younger people” feel to it, but we went there right as it opened, so it wasn’t crowded.  I could see how it could house many people, though.  Many drunk people.  It had three well-stocked bars.  We spoke to our server about its popularity, and she said they were very successful.  Another worker said that the expense was all done up front, but after that, it was just money, money, money.

I won the game, but I also had two holes-in-one.  I got one of them on a ‘bowling’ style hole.  I rolled it right into the front pin.  It keeps track of...

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Rest of the Round at Duck Creek in Dallas

Written on 6-16-24.

      It’s Father’s Day, and I am watching the U.S. Open.  Bryson is leading at -6, but he is in some trouble off the tee on #8.  I have spoken with Danielle, Dad, and Kyle so far, and I have had many well wishes from texts, too.  It’s been a great day.

Danielle graduated from Albuquerque Fire Academy on Thursday, and that was a special day.  She did it.  It’s done.  A surprise (though, not really to us) was that she won the Leadership Award.  It was unexpected, but we knew that she had been the liaison for multiple weeks, more than anyone other cadet.

*Bryson just made an incredible save for par.  I believe he will win it, but anything can happen.

We have had many wonderful things happen lately.  We got a tour of James’s new office, and we learned more about...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Variety of Golf in Dallas

Written on 6-5-24.

    I am sitting in the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport waiting for our flight back to Albuquerque.  Our original flight was cancelled.  We didn’t pay attention this morning as we rushed out the door of the VRBO that Eric and Amanda are renting, but it worked out for the best.  We had to get the rental car returned this AM anyway, and the later flight was the only other flight going out today, so here we sit.  We board in ten hours and 37 minutes, so we have some time to catch up on some things.  We could get an Uber and go back, but we are choosing to just stay here.  If we did that, they would have to give us a ride back here again, and they have an appointment for Ben this afternoon to check on his hips.  Better to just leave them alone.  

I spoke with Guy using FaceTime for 20 minutes, and we got caught up before...