Thursday, November 10, 2011

Another Volleyball Update

    I am sitting in our living room watching The Biggest Loser.  I was going to go to the church tonight to learn about the changes in the mass.  I went to the garage, however, opened the door, and saw that I had no vehicle.  Oh yeah, Belinda took the van to her class’s play tonight, and she left early to prepare.  Then Danielle took the truck to go watch that same play.  So, James and I just finished cleaning up the kitchen, and since I am stuck here I’m watching my favorite show and catching up on some writing.
    First, another volleyball update.  It’s all over now, including varsity’s season.  I am so proud of those girls.  They ended their season in style, taking a rival to five games in the district championship match, the first time they were able to do that (take them to five games) this season.  They also, (and this is the best part) embarrassed...
another rival in their second match of the district tournament, a team they were not expected to beat.  In our first two meetings, this team had beaten us badly, even worse the second time by defeating us at home in the three fairly fast games.
    Not this time!  We took them to five games, and we won in dramatic fashion.  We beat them on their home court, too.  We were down 2 to 7 in the last game, came back, and won 15 to 11.  And there was much celebrating!  We were guaranteed second place or better in the district tournament after that match.  One of our players told me that since she’d started playing varsity they had never beaten this team (that was for three long seasons).  Until now!
    I do not want to dwell on this, but we should have gone to state, and we did not.  We had a chance to control our future by winning the district championship, and we did not get the job done.  We have no one else to blame for that but ourselves.  Because of that, though, our fate was left up to a committee, and that committee voted for the team we had just beaten.  Huh?!  As soon as that vote was made, our season was over.  I disagree with their decision.  I remember when getting first or second in a district tournament was a guaranteed ticket to state.  I remember when the regular season was used only for seeding teams in a district tournament.  Not anymore.  Here in New Mexico, a team that peaks at the end of the season and upsets another team in the district tournament stays home.  It’s not right.  I don’t like it.  Enough said.

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