Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Wishes

   On my Christmas wish list are some new irons from Wishon.  Oh, and a new Wishon 4-iron hybrid.  Oh, and a new driver (also from Wishon), but that can wait until January and my birthday since they are coming out with a new model next month.  And, I might find a different driver more to my liking. In all, with special friendly coaching discounts from Don (last name), the cost will be $821.25.  That really is a great discount; thank you, Don.  These clubs would most likely be the last ones I ever receive, but they might not.  Never say never.
    Some new clubs would be fantastic.  I would like to have a complete set of Wishon clubs some day, and it will bug me until it’s done, but that kind of thinking seems silly and pointless since those are just things.  After my brain surgery, my perspective has not changed; I am still well-grounded, and I know what is important in life.  My trust in God, my time with family, and my career are my priorities.  My wish is for these things to continue, to have a wonderful life worth living.
    Speaking of my surgery, my new CaringBook book came in today.  The site has a link where a book can be made, so I ordered one.  It looks polished and beautiful.  I am happy to have a finished product with all of my chronicles from my site, one that I can hold in my hands.  That site was ideal for people to check in before, during, and after the surgery.  It was also a perfect place for me to vent, reflect, and figure out what was happening to me through my writing.  Here is address again:

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