Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Major Epiphany That is About a Half-Inch Long

Written on 9-1-21.

I am sitting at my computer desk, and I am giving my feet a soak.  B is at work, and I walked Misty and Kody earlier, but it was sprinkling when we started, so I had to put them in the garage to dry off.  They are back inside now, and they are continuing to dry off.  I look out my window, and it is coming down more steadily now.  Great to get some moisture, but not so great for walking dogs.    

I had another epiphany last night before going to sleep, so I wanted to voice it here.  What an adventure golf can be!  I went to the range yesterday, and I was working on posting around my lead leg and taking thunderous A+ divots again, and I watched the videos when I was back at home, of course.

I have been pointing my arms at the ball at address, because I have been using single plane.  I noticed on the videos that I move my head down lower at impact to make up the half-inch or inch to make those explosive divots.  

Then I remembered what Todd Graves said about conventional golf and the “one mistake,” which is hanging the hands and arms hang down at address.  At impact, a conventional golfer has to “make room” for impact to occur by raising up on their lead leg or by twisting.  What if I start my club hanging down and then not get out of the way?  Just straighten my arms more?  I have wondered how Tom Saguto is able to straighten his arms so much at impact and just let it rip.  Is it because he is not raising up at impact, because his hands are hanging down at address?  He is allowing for that half inch or inch (just a guess on the distance) by not getting out of the way as Todd talks about?

What does this mean for me?  I am betting that golfers who have used the “stack and tilt” method have already figured this out, but it’s better that I come to this discovery myself.  

It means I should experiment with standing a little closer to the ball and letting my arms hang down a little bit at address.  How much, though?  Half of an inch?  An inch?  The amount of space from the bottom of the club to the third or fourth groove?  I will need to find out.  Instead of me getting out of the way, the ground after the golf ball will be getting in the way and that will make the divot!  Skadoosh!   

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