Sunday, March 20, 2022

Entire Star Wars Collection Inventoried

Written on 3-6-22.

        Bev’s birthday was two days ago, and they travelled to Florida to visit the highest point there (one of things they do when visiting each states) and Disney World.  We heard that they may not be able to go to the Star Wars tour, but they did get to go eventually.  It was having mechanical problems.  Sounds like they had to stand in line for a long time, though.

If I haven’t written about it yet, I have completed the inventory of my entire Star Wars collection!  I did it.  It’s done.  Now, I have a better idea about how much all of this stuff is worth, and if I were to die, it would be easier to sell off or keep for the family.  It took longer than I thought it would, and I have a bunch of stuff I didn’t even know I had.  Now that it’s on my phone, I can more easily mark stuff that I would be willing to get rid of as well as say what is really important to me.  I did my best to make it fun, too, and I would stop and appreciate the items that hold a lot of meaning as I went along recording each item.  

As far as value goes, my comics are worth a lot more than I thought, but that will fluctuate according to the market, of course.  I know that when we reach 50 years from 1977, many of my items will be worth a lot more.  I am pretty sure I heard that on The Antiques Road Show once.  If I were to do the P.S.A. thing, some of my trading cards from 1977 would catch some super high prices.

I am glad it’s behind me now, though, especially since the weather will be getting better for playing golf.  

On to golf…

I have cleaned off my pitching area and putting green recently with our new Stihl blower, and I have been working on my putting in our computer room, too.  Sometimes, when I am in a Zoom meeting, I hide my camera just to move my body and putt for a bit.  I have my new TGW bag, but I haven’t used it yet while playing, except for the trip to Bluffs for my birthday.  Even there, I carried it in and didn’t put it on my push cart.  The weather has not been conducive to playing outside yet…at all.  It snowed here last night and left a couple of inches, and it’s blustery and cold right now, despite the sunshine peeking through the clouds.  

I just peeked out at our lawn, and it’s covered with snow.  I should fertilize it tomorrow.  I always like to do that after it snows near springtime.

I plan on reaching out to Southwest Putting Greens to have them come do a little upkeep before the first year runs out.  I just e-mailed them, so I hope to hear from them soon.

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