Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A Brief Update on My Father

Written on 2-22-23.

        That was a cool date for last year, I bet.  I am in the kitchen working on my coffee project, and I am waiting to see if we are having a CORE Zoom meeting.  It’s 11:01 now, but I am not hearing or seeing anything.  I bet it is cancelled due to the big SIP Gatherings that are coming up on tomorrow and Friday.

Written on 3-16-23.

Wow!  Almost a month since I last wrote.  It is understandable.  I am sitting in Room 404 at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Lakewood.  Dad is stirring and groaning a bit in his bed.  He has a pained expression on his face; it isn’t a restful expression.  He does get out of here today!  That’s part of the good news.  The other part is the reason he is being released: he is free from the c. diff. infection.  The bad news is that we could not get him into a rehab facility in Colorado Springs.  He just rolled over to get his weight off of his back.  Now, he rolled back.  He is so much better now that the infection is gone, but then there is the bad news: he has a long road ahead of him.  How could that be?  He had a long road behind him.  Here is a short list of words to demonstrate what we have all been dealing with.  Dad said it about a month ago before going into the hospital, “Life is getting harder.”

He really had no idea.  I am going to play Pass the Pigs with him to distract him.  He is “panting” because of the pain now.  

I have won two and Dad has won two.  We are playing the tie-breaker now, but we just got interrupted by the nurse and medications.  They are boosting him up now to help him get more comfortable.  I am winning 78 to 0, but I could roll an oinker.  Okay, back to the game.

I ended up winning in a rout.  I am not letting his sickness allow him any charity.  It was great to play another game with my dad.  We need to finish our Sequence game that we started when he was in the hospital.  He was in there for 27 days, and seven of those were in the ICU.

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