Monday, May 13, 2024

Windy Page and Greg's Electric Box Shot

Written on 4-3-24.

      We leave tomorrow for our first golf trip…ever.  I have mostly packed, and Greg said he would drive his truck to make more room for our clubs and stuff.  I offered to drive, but the Jeep would have been too crowded.  I am so excited!

Written on 4-13-24.

I am watching The Masters on a Saturday.  It was 12 years ago when Guy and I were there, so watching it will always hold special meaning for me.  Tiger has made the cut a record 24 times, and he and Tyrell Hatton are on the par five 13th on Amen Corner.

B just came back from Farmington, and she bought...

some dirt and flowers for our outside garden.  She and A went alone, so they had some twin time together.  They stopped by Jess’s to help her move her bed, pull some weeds, and tighten her toilet seat.

Danielle has made it past the halfway point at nine weeks!  I am mostly thinking of how hard it has been on her emotionally and physically.  I think the emotional part has been the toughest.  She has to keep hydrating to replenish the tears she has lost.  She had dinner with Casey and James last night, and they said she was in a pretty good mood, though.  No sobbing this time.  I don’t think her instructors are intentionally playing mind games all the time, but it sure seems like it.  The halfway point helps me feel there is light at the end of this long tunnel.

I watched a YouTube video of an Albuquerque firefighter named Alanna Dugger.  I can see Danielle doing what she is doing in a year.  I watched that, because Danielle shared the latest video of her 102nd Cadet Class.  They completed “ladder week” this past week, and it looked so brutal.  I am happy that she/they survived it intact.  Her class was the first to have everyone complete the course (whatever that means), so they can hang their helmets on that one.

James and Casey plan to come to Colorado Springs next weekend for Bev’s 60th birthday surprise.  We will all get to meet the new baby, Andrew Larry Gerber, and we will help celebrate Weston’s 2nd birthday, too.  That’s going to be a fun weekend.

I worked two days of my contract extension this past week, one at each school.  I will finish my year at the end of this month and the beginning of May.  I am so glad and relieved I got the extension.  I need to do my part to help the household…with the finances.  Making money helps pay for golf, too.

On to golf…

Greg, Eric, Tink, and I took our first golf trip (ever) to Page last Thursday and Friday.  It was super, and I’m so glad we did it. How is it that my first golf trip didn’t take place until now?  Greg found a VRBO right off the fairway on #12, and it was huge and more than adequate.  The shower was excellent with instant heat and lots of water flow.  It felt soothing after being out in either the sun or the wind.

The golf was fun…for the first seven holes or so.  That was when the wind started to pick up, and it didn’t relent for the rest of the time except for a few rare moments of calm.  I won the first game we played, and I got the first par on the second hole, the par three over the water.  I barely won that game by two points, and it was the 1, 2, 3 game.

I barely won, because Eric shot a 41 on the first nine holes, so that was his best effort and takeaway for the golf part of the trip.  He told me I had beaten him by only two points.  Greg won the skins game on the second day, and he played the best golf during the windy rounds.  Tink can brag that he was the only one who had a putt for an eagle on the par four #8.  His drive hit the cart path, bounced up, disappeared, and then showed up again…on the green!  Greg, on both days, earned a birdie on that hole stealing away any chance of Tink getting points or “money” for whatever game we were playing at the time.  Those birdies were the only birdies for all four of us during the trip.  Tink got pars on that hole both days, too, so it was great he had some positive moments as far as the golf was concerned.

Greg had the funniest shot of the trip.  It happened on the back nine on the first day.  On #11, a big green electric box is very apparent from the tees, especially the white tees which were the ones we were playing.  A good aiming point is to go right over that box or just to the right of it.  When it was his turn to tee off, he hit a low screamer that nailed the left side of that box sending his ball back to the grass just past the teeing ground where we were standing.  That shot garnered the most laughs out of all the shots we took.

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