Thursday, July 18, 2024

Warming Up Really Helps

Written on 5-18-24.

    It’s a Saturday afternoon, and Belinda and I are taking a rest between graduation parties.  We went to Lily’s party this morning, and we are going to Keaton’s this afternoon.  It’s that time of the year.  Won’t it be a bit sad when all of the students we worked with are through the system?

On to golf…

I practiced at Hillcrest after having my pinkie finger looked at in Durango.  Sounds like the best option after meeting with a PA named Trevor is to fuse it into a bent position of 45º, so that is what I will do.  I have another appointment on Tuesday, and I am going to try and walk on at Hillcrest after that.  I was referred to an orthopedic surgeon that has a private practice in the same building, and he has our insurance.  I hope our insurance will cover it.

The practice was good.  Lately, I have had productive practice sessions.  When I worked on my putting at Pinon Hills before a recent round, I sunk five putts from over thirty feet.  It’s weird to me that I don’t get as excited about something like that like I used to.  It’s probably because I would rather have it happen when I am playing for a score instead.  The trick is to convert those swell practice sessions into better scoring.

We just got back from Keaton’s party.  What a super family.  He is going to...

continue his education and go for a Masters.  He is working on becoming a chiropractor.  Go, Keaton!

I played with C.J. and Herman (not his real name) this past week.  It was C.J.’s first outing for 2024.  He even sprung for beers after the round because of that.  

I know that warming up truly helps after I played the first nine holes.  I showed up at 10:35 for an 11:00 tee time, and C.J. and Herman were already there.  The voice came over the intercom at around 10:40 saying we could go if we were ready.  I wasn’t, but they were…so off we went.  I played terribly.  How terribly?  Well, I went for a beer after we were finished (atypical behavior for me).  The back nine was a bit better.  I scored a 46, but it didn’t help my mood.  See, warming up really helps.  At least it helps me.

I should have arrived at 10:00.  Just a small bucket, a few chips from different locations, and some putts would have helped.

The Nuggets lost to the Timberwolves this past week, too, and it actually made me feel better.  Nikola said it was a “great loss,” and he accepted it.  They lost by 45 points.  That will be my attitude as well.  It was a “great failure,” and I accept it.  Or, maybe he said he was cool with it.  Either way, it’s the same idea.

When I practiced on Tuesday, I worked on my “true swing,” like I said I would.  I had great success, especially towards the end.  I began to work out a new routine where I put my club in front of my ball before addressing it.  Melton does this, too, and it helps put the ball in a better position to take a divot after the ball.  It made the ball slightly more centered in my stance.  I did my best to relax my arms and wrists.  I also had success when I bumped my bottom toward the target ever so briefly at the top of my backswing.  I ended with four swings in a row with my 8-iron that were phenomenal.  Smooth, effortless, and penetrating ball flights with consistent divots.  I am intrigued to keep using this.

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