Monday, April 30, 2018

How We Help Our Earth

Written on 4-22-18.

     I am back at the Abiquiu Inn…again.  I was just here this past Wednesday and Thursday for my regular monthly 2-day visit, but this time I have the RDA Site Visit tomorrow, my last one this year.  I’m sitting out on the patio again, and I have my laptop, some new cheap, black, plastic readers that I just bought at Bodes, and a Dr. Pepper and some water.  I wouldn’t have bought the readers, but I forgot and left all of my other ones at home, and I really need them to read the small print on the interviews and the rubrics tomorrow.  They were only a bit over $4.00.
     It’s Earth Day!  Happy Earth Day!  Belinda and I continue to have a small environmental footprint compared to most people, but I know we could do better still.  We have been very good lately about...
bringing our own bags to the store, and Belinda even reuses plastic bags for fruit and vegetables.  We still have our gray water line, too, and we just switched over since it is no longer freezing at night.  We do well in areas like this, but we put out a lot of waste sometimes.  For example, when we ate out at Beer Belly’s the other night, our food came in two styrofoam containers and then we added to that styrofoam by getting drinks and desserts at Sonic.  Ugh!  So much packaging, and it makes it even worse knowing styrofoam takes lifetimes to decompose.  We should boycott.  If it weren’t for their damn, delicious fry sauce from Beer Belly’s and the scrumptious ice in the Sonic drinks.

     Between the two of us, Belinda really leads the way in Earth protection, though, especially with her recent battle against sporks at her school.  She recruited some students to help her gather sporks for a week after breakfast and lunch.  She put them all in a large clear tub to show everyone how many sporks are getting thrown away weekly.  Yikes!  She continued by bringing more awareness at STEM Night this past Thursday, having students do math to figure out how many sporks would be used in two weeks, three weeks, etc.  I only helped by coloring in some of the Tiger letters and coming up with the logo on her sign, Don’t Let Park Ave. Become Spork Ave.  I am so proud of my wife when she does things like this.  You go, girl!

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