Monday, April 13, 2020

A Sunday During the Shutdown

Written on 4-5-2020.

It’s another Sunday during the shut-down, and I am relaxing at home on my bed while watching 2019’s Texas Valero Open.  The 2020 one has been cancelled, of course.
I’ve wanted to write about what I’ve learned during all of this.  First, I realized that for most of my life, I have been using way too much toilet paper.  What an epiphany!  From here on out, I will continue to use less.
Second, I see plenty of blame going around on the national news.  We don’t need that.  Remember, this is unprecedented stuff, so to say there have been mixed messages really does no good.  People are doing their best with the information we have been given.  For example, we were told not to use or hoard masks, especially the N95, because we needed to save those for our healthcare workers.  Now, we are being asked to start wearing masks in public, because coronavirus has been found to be much more contagious than originally thought.  That’s not a mixed message; it’s a changing message.  Wearing a mask is still voluntary anyway, so don’t be upset with people who don’t.  Maybe just stay far away for those people?
Third, a slower routine is healthier for all of us.  I get plenty of sleep each night.  I read more.  I do my mental workouts with my Lumosity App every day.
On to golf…

Basically, I’ve done the same things.  I’ve worked out with routines that Matt has texted me two Fridays in a row now. I know I have not done everything on there the way he would expect me to, but they have challenged me, and I have broken a sweat multiple times…during the same workout.  I feel myself getting stronger, especially in my legs and my core.
I’ve continued to putt indoors.  I am pretty accurate.  I know it is different outdoors, but all of this practice indoors will help me when I get back out there again.
Finally, I have worked on my chipping down at the park.  I bring a target of some sort, like a cooler, a towel, or I once used the silver insulation from a cooler.  Anything will do.  I’ve brought four golf balls with me, and I have tried to hit whatever target I’ve brought, and I’ve hit three out of four, but I haven’t been able to get all four.  Maybe before the economy opens up again.

Until next time…

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