Monday, April 26, 2021

The Drills That Helped Me the Most

Written on 3-6-21.

        We’ve gotten a lot done today, and included was to announce at the Aztec’s volleyball game at 3:00.  This was their first match of the season, and it’s March.  Normally, this would have happened in September.  Better late than never.  Kelly’s daughter, Kacee, got to play today, also, so it’s a beautiful thing.  Soccer, football, and other sports are also ramping up, and I am sure that all of those kids/athletes are thrilled.  Is this more of what could be the beginning of the end?  More people are vaccinated now, but we still have a long way to go.  Who knows if this will end soon?  God knows.

We are going to Mom and Dad’s this coming Friday.  Bev took them to get their second dose yesterday, and then she called B and me on her way home.  She is so glad that we will be going and staying for more than just a few hours.  She said Mom was...

looking frail and to watch for that, or she told us to prepare for it.  

Our parents are slowing down, and it’s getting harder for them to stay in their house, the house they moved into when I was three.  It’s been since last November since we have been able to hug them.  I am so looking forward to hugging them and sitting and visiting with them in their living room.  

Belinda has had her two shots for a while now, so she will be “safer” than all four of us.  I will get my second dose on the 18th of this month right after we return, so I will be the “least safe,” so I am hoping that we are not making a mistake.  We are going despite it all.  I just hope the weather will be good for driving.  

On to golf…

I did all of my GGA drills yesterday, and I updated them, too, as I went along.  I can see myself doing these in perpetuity.  Here are all of the drills with the changes I made…

2-10, Lesson 1-50 reps of replace the shoulder with right shoulder, 10, 10, 10, 10, and sent videos with props (impact bag and my version of a chopstick) 

2-11, Lesson 2-20 reps of feeling the side tilt with the single plane trainer (my single plane trainer)

2-12, Lesson 3-20 reps of getting into ideal address position with proper grip and a focus on the two lines being created (a little more tilt and softer trail arm this time due to Chandler’s advice)

2-13, Lesson 4-20 reps of using my single plane trainer to point at the golf ball that is 5’ behind me and 1’ back, just the one piece takeaway motion

2-14, Lesson 5-20 reps of 3 positions (0 to 1 to 2 with 2 being at the top of the backswing with my single plane trainer pointing (both ends of it) at the golf ball 5’ behind me and 1’ back from there two times, once on the way back (front end) and once on the way up to the top of the backswing (back end)

2-18, Lesson 6-To impact 20 reps with single plane trainer thing, so positions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, lead knee braced and trail arm bent

2-18, Lesson 7-Perfect impact club with my impact bag, positions 0, 1 2, 3, and 4 into the bag (ball underneath it) with some velocity from 3 to 4

2-19, Lesson 8-Working on 20 reps of positions 4, 5, and 6, impact (into a flexed lead knee, lead arm completely straight, trail arm still bent, but only slightly, and side tilt still continuing on) extension (let trail arm straighten naturally after the ball), shoulder height/finish/hold at top with focus on staying in your bends

2-21, Lesson 9-20 reps of all positions with my perfect impact club, and then 20 reps of 0. 2, And 6 only with feeling the pressure on the inside of my right leg at position 2 and keeping the front knee flexed and trail foot down at position 6

2-21. Lesson 10-Positions are before sequencing always, no drills today

The following require a range…

2-22, Lesson 11-On the range for the first time, stay process oriented and not result oriented, take 5 swings before every golf ball, okay if not a good result, and hold the finish for five seconds for 30 reps!  It should take about an hour he said. 

2-28, Lesson 12-Going from using the ABT on the range to taking it away (no training wheels), and finding the correct positions without help

3-1, Lesson 13-Same as last lesson, but with the driver, when I go into the “green zone,” it is simply, get comfortable, get comfortable, and execute

3-1, Lesson 14-Green Zone is about not thinking, no technical thoughts, just use the process you have learned, set a target and go, how important it is to feel good before you pull the trigger, 50 reps, before you play, maybe do 5 or 10 walk-ins

I have done every drill now, but I haven’t been doing them every day.  It takes a good four hours (partially distracted and with breaks) to complete.  I liked what one instructor told me about getting my grip right.  He said, “Do it until you can’t do it wrong.”

I am doing my best to do that with all of the drills above.    

I sent another video yesterday, too.  I took what Chandler told me to heart, and I worked on exactly what he told me.  I filmed the “chopstick” drill again, but this time I put my impact bag between my legs to help correct my lower body movement.  I put it inside my trail leg to feel it against my leg like Trent White showed me when that storm was brewing.  We shall see what they think about my video. 

I also sent an e-mail to Chandler, and I asked him about the grip (a random, weird question) and my membership.  My month ends on March 10th, and I wondered if I should keep it going.  I told him I have plenty of drills to do.  It’s going to be interesting to see what he says.

Don Greenwood said he would put on my new GGA grips that I just got for my birthday from Mom and Dad, and he plans on playing with us on Monday.  He said he wanted put them on on Sunday, but I don’t want to have him do it on a Sunday.  That is a day for resting.  Greg said Nan had to go to the emergency room for her knee, so he might not play.  C.J. is in, though, so I think it will be three of us, for sure.  

I just texted Greg, and he said Nan was resting at home, using a knee brace, and taking plenty of Advil.  Glad she is doing better, and he might get to play after all.  Although B told me they are going to get an MRI on Monday, so maybe not.

Enough for now.  I am off to bed.

Until next time…

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