Monday, April 19, 2021

Use the Chopstick Drill, Shallow the Club, and Have Pelvic Thrust?

Written on 3-2-21.

        I am watching my video lesson (at McCoy during a break), and I am getting feedback on another drill I sent yesterday.  They do give feedback right away, which it great.  I went through each position, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 this time.  Todd says if I can do this correctly, I am very close to getting the single plane swing down.  

At position 0, Paul Tessler, my virtual coach for today, is telling me to make my lead hand face the target more.  He can see too many knuckles.  I am not sure how I can fix that if my hand is on the club using their grips.  Hmmmm.  If I put my hand on in the right position, it should be correct, right?  

At position 2, I went too far.  We should be able to see my trail elbow from the face on view, and mine goes behind my body.  From position 3 to position 4, I stopped rotating, and I just used my arms, wrists, and hands to go to position 4, and he is telling me I need to keep that lag I have created and rotate more at that point.  

My trail hand is supposed to be non-rotational, right?  When I stop rotating my body, I rotate my trail hand instead.  Keep rotating my body at that point.  This sounds like what I was trying before with the big muscle body turn and hands to the wall.  If I can just set up correctly with this swing, I can do the same thing.  Just turn and burn while keeping my hands in their proper positions, and they will go where they are supposed to go.    

From the down the line view, he is telling me I need a little more forward bend with my upper body, and my feet are not quite square to the target line.  My feet are slightly open, he says.  They look parallel to the target line to me, though.  I raise my body up right at the top, and then I go down into my lead knee.  It doesn’t have to be so dramatic up there (my words).  He wants me to send in another video of the chopstick drill.  We can clean it up if I do that correctly, he says.

Later tonight back at home, I just watched the Weekly Training video with Trent White called Shallowing the Club, and I learned that I need to finish high with my hands.  That was the feeling Moe had when he felt he was pulling the flagstick out of the hole after each shot.  From what I learned this morning, I need to figure out how to get from lagging to a high follow-through.  I plan to go to the range tomorrow to video my swing after all of these drills.

I watched the Pelvic Thrust video next.  He shows a nifty drill to help keep the pelvis in the right position like Moe did.  Bring a chair up after addressing the ball, and then feel your bottom on there.  On the backswing, feel your right cheek on the chair, and on the forward swing, feel your left.  It’s a great way to keep your body in the proper position. 

The more I keep my head back, the more my hands will rotate and get my club face square!

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