Saturday, September 22, 2012

Birdie with Family (Just Guy) #2: Part 2

    I used my driver, and my ball faded/sliced all the way down to the fairway.  I was in the perfect position to go for it with two shots with my 6-iron.  I topped that shot, though, and the ball flew low and left like a wounded bird stopping between the ditch and the cart path. 
    I had the big cottonwood on the left side to contend with now.  Guy suggested I go for it by going over the tree, but I was looking at going low.  He convinced me, though, so I pulled my sand wedge that we had just found again.  This was a sweet shot.  It went right over the tree like it was tracing its outline, and it landed right on the green.  It looked like it was on line with the flag, and the distance felt right, too.  It ended up being between fifteen to twenty feet away, though.  The putt looked straight to me, so I played it that way, and it literally rolled over the center of the cup going in.  Guy was as thrilled as I was.  I had started and ended with a birdie for this “family” round on my home course.  Fun!

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