Thursday, August 21, 2014

When It Rains, It Pours and Pours...and Pours

     Tragedy has struck, but it's not a major tragedy.  I left my laptop out on the back deck one morning after having breakfast out there.  It was the day we teachers all meet at the Aztec High School Multipurpose room for the beginning of the year "pep rally." It was also the one day that it really rained, and rained, and rained.
     The evening before, James and his friends had played a strategy game that took up our entire dining room table, and that was the reason I ate outside.  On any other day in Aztec, it would not have been an issue.  We have so many days of sunshine here that the likelihood of rain, especially so much rain, was minute.  It was my own fault, though.  I was the one who left it out there, and to make matters worse, I have not done a back-up in a while, a long while.  This begs the question: If someone doesn't really know what they are missing, will they miss it?  As the days go by, we will see if I/we can remember what was on there.  Hopefully, it can all be recovered.  Not a great way to start this school year.  

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