Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Title

Dear Golf,

I miss you.  Know that I will never forget you and that I will come back to you.



P.S. (I have a new title that can be added to my long list of monikers, and that is a BIG reason why I have not been playing or writing about you lately.  After returning from a training in Sedona, Arizona, I can now say I am an official, certified, national Time to Teach Trainer.)

P.P.S. (For the record, I did give you an outside chance during my trip.  I brought my wedge and my putter and some golf balls along in our new Ford Escape.  I never had a chance to use them, but at least I got to see them every time I got something out of the back.)

More about this later...

1 comment:

Adrienne K said...

First...congratulations on your new Time to Teach Trainer certification!! Awesome!! Secondly, your post caused me to look up the definition of "fore" as it is used in golf. Apparently it's a Scottish interjection meaning, "look ahead". So I'm looking ahead and I see a putter in your future!!!! Look ahead, cousin...look ahead!!! So proud of you!