Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Changes...They Are Beginning

Written on 5-15-15.

    I chose to stop writing that night in exchange for sleep.  It was a wise choice.
    Well, it’s now the Friday I wrote about from before, the one where James would be flying off to New Zealand.  Danielle, Belinda and I are on our way home (we are just outside of Bloomfield now) after dropping him off at the airport.  Belinda just announced that he has landed at LAX. He is using some of the cash the Edgertons gave him to buy a drink, and then he’ll wait until 10:30 to catch his next flight to Australia. 
    Danielle has already interviewed for, and received, the job as crew leader for the YCC, so everything is lining up nicely for the summer.  I need to get the dates set for my golf clinics and my technology trainings in Santa Fe this weekend.  Before summer arrives, though, we have to finalize things at school for our last year…ever.  We have our retirement parties this Monday, but for some odd reason they have been scheduled at the exact same time.  I don’t know who planned that, but it’s really poor planning.  Did they not think we would want to attend each others' parties?  I am going to leave mine for the first half hour or so to go to Belinda’s.  Good grief!
    In some discouraging news, Reilly had a collapsed lung on Thursday.  He and Diane went to Denver right away.  Bruce followed and went there today.  C.J. said the lung is inflated again, but I am concerned.

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