Friday, February 5, 2016

New Year, New Golf Milestone!

Written on 1-31-16.

    Belinda and I are up at the cabin home.  Eric and Amanda just left.  Amanda wanted to leave tonight in order to be able to sleep in their own bed and not have to worry about driving on what will more than likely be snow packed roads tomorrow morning.  I think they made the right decision.  She does, after all, have to be at work tomorrow. 
    Belinda is reading a book on her iPad called Gone for Good.  I’m sitting to the left of the fireplace in the glider rocker we had reupholstered where I can plug in the laptop and stay warm, quite the contrast to my arrival at the kids’ places when I dropped them off at college after the break. 
    An INXS song is playing on my iPhone, and it’s thumping out of my new charcoal black Sony Bluetooth cube-shaped speaker.  I noticed Danielle’s adorable speaker over the break (hers is aqua blue), and I thought it was great, so James and Danielle just bought one for my birthday that was just two days ago.  Oh yeah, I’m now 49 instead of 48.
    Eric turned 50 on January 26th, and Dave Golden also just turned 50, but on January 23rd.  Rocky’s birthday is coming up on February 9th, but he is the youngest of the four of us, and I’m actually not sure how old he is.  We all went to a surprise party for Dave last night, and it was a hoot.  He thought the ladies were having a purse party instead.  Julie organized it all, and many of his close friends were there.  Just like Guy, he had no idea what he was in for. 

On to golf…

    Earlier that day, I got to go play golf with C.J.  Riverview was the only “real” golf course open nearby, but we didn’t have time to go that far to play 18 holes, so I recommended Civitan.  It’s much closer, and I hadn’t played there for years, and C.J. agreed that it would be a welcome change, so off we went.  It was a very small weather window, it turns out.  It’s snowing and raining in our area again.  Our home course and Pinon Hills have not been open for a couple of months. 
    Okay, this is big!  This is one the many reasons I play.  I reached a new milestone!  I was one under par for nine holes at Civitan.  That’s right…I was under par for nine holes this time, not just even, but sadly this round has some asterisks.  The asterisks are that Civitan is not considered a “real” or regulation golf course, and we were hitting off mats due to the weather conditions. 
    But, hey, I’m taking it; it was completely legal and legit.  It was some of the best golf I’ve ever played, and it came very close to the best stretch of five holes I’ve ever played before, too.  I have not topped my five under after four holes yet.  Not sure I’ll ever be able to top that, though.  Three under after five holes, however, is nothing to scoff at.  Here’s how it happened…

See next post for the details.

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