Friday, July 31, 2020

Did My Stroke Affect My Golf Stroke?

Written on 6-6-2020.

Well, I played one final time yesterday using the two plane swing.  I definitely plan on switching now.  I am not considering doing this anymore; I am doing it.

Shawn and I took on C.J. and Tim in best ball match play, and we ended up even after nine holes.  I never contributed.  I got a par on hole #4 with a smooth 9-iron that hit the green, and I got a bogey on #6 with a long drive up to the 100 yard marker, but everyone else got pars and bogeys on those holes, too.  

After we finished nine holes, C.J. left, because the weather was picking up considerably, and lightning was lurking.  Tim and his wife Julie left after he played hole #10 and part of #11, because it got really gusty and big raindrops were pelting us for a short time.  It stopped when Shawn and I got to #12, though, which I figured it would, so the two of us continued on for the remainder of the round.  It did get really bad once more on #17, but we managed and we finished up on #18, and he and I both finished with a bogey, which I feel is a good score for that hole.  I am glad I got a bogey with my old swing.  I didn’t want to end with a handicap seven on my last hole with the two plane swing and the membership.  I wanted to finish the entire round to get my money’s worth.  I ended up playing 38 times this past year.

I forgot I had a stroke (silly me), and that is a possible reason for the higher scores.  I checked my scores and since I’ve had the stroke, I have been unable to break 90.  That could be part of the reason, but I have made up my mind still.

Shawn invited me over for a beer after the round, and C.J. came over, too.  When we had a lull in the conversation, I told them my new plan.  I didn’t want to tell them before or during the round, because that would have been a major distraction, and I secretly really wanted to break 90 and play better with my two plane swing one last time.  However, that wasn’t meant to be.  

I don’t think it would have changed my mind, though.  C.J. listened carefully, understood, and decided not to renew his membership after that.  I called Eric later that evening as we drove back to Hobby Lobby to get some fabric for a movie screen to use with our new projector.  I gave him the news, and he said he would wait on buying a membership, too.  He wanted to take some refresher lessons with Luke anyway.  My deciding not to get the membership ended up causing a Domino effect.  It changed both C.J.’s and Eric’s plans.  Shawn will continue getting a full membership no matter what I do.  Oh, and Bruce has said he isn’t coming out until there’s a vaccine.

Now, I just need a plan for improvement.  How am I going to do this?  Record the change?  What is the first step?  I am going to take a little break and develop a plan.  Shawn recommended I talk to Luke, too, and let him know what I am thinking.  That’s a good idea.  Like I said above, Eric is planning on taking lessons with Luke to refresh his game, too.  He might be able to help accelerate my learning.  Right now, I am simply reading the book, The Single Plane Golf Swing: Play Better Golf the Moe Norman Way.

Until next time…

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