Wednesday, June 29, 2022

My 11th Birthday Post

Written on 6-28-22.

Well, what do you know?  I'm 11 now.  Hooray for me!  I survived my brain surgery on this day in 2011, and I have received 11 more years on earth.  What a gift.  Many would want the same, and I know this.  I do NOT take it for granted.  Thank you, Lord.  Here are some things I have been able to experience this past year, and a few I am looking forward to seeing.

I am thankful for my wife.  Belinda has stood by me through it all, and she will never leave my side.  She is my greatest blessing, and I am so glad to have my best friend to navigate it all.  I love you, B.

I am thankful for my children, James and Danielle, and they are closer now that they both live in Albuquerque.  I was able to visit them more often due to my job, and I cherished those extra conversations.  I am SO proud of them and what they are doing.  Keep going, kids!

I am thankful for my job.  I get to do what I love, and few can say that.  I work with teachers and students, and they need all the help and support they can get.  Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to do it again this school year.

I am thankful for the Bisti Writing Project.  When the tumor was discovered, I was...

in the middle of co-directing a summer institute.  Talk about an interruption.  It was Vicki Holmsten, the director of the institute I first attended in 2007, who recommended this site, and it allowed me to do three things:  1. Understand what was happening to me by writing about it.  2. Share news with concerned family and friends and read about their love and support.  3. Set an example to the "fellows" that attended the institute.  The book "Because Writing Matters" and its updated follow-up "Because Digital Writing Matters" took on a whole new meaning.  Writing does matter!  Digital writing matters, too, and it took a brain tumor to drive that point home succinctly for me.  Writing is best when it is shared.  

We held a get-together of the leadership team at Wines of the San Juan to officially disband the Bisti Writing Project last month.  It was another victim of the pandemic, but the writing was on the wall (pun intended).  We ate, shared writings and hopes for the future, and celebrated what we had accomplished.  We held on when others let go, and we were the last writing project in New Mexico.   Bisti helped me become a better teacher and, of course, a better teacher of young writers.  Special thank you to Vicki, Michael, and Alexis for leading us through it all and keeping it going.  Your leadership and perseverance were instrumental in helping all of us with our mission.

This past weekend was a conglomeration of the many things I am grateful for.  I got to visit with my mom, dad, brother, and sister once more.  I held two beautiful babies: my great niece and nephew.  I also got to play with two bouncy balls, a construction set, and Darth "Tater" with my other great niece while her baby sister was getting more attention.   I saw one of my favorite 80's bands perform a live concert with my closest friends from high school.  I enjoyed a round of golf with my brother (always goes way too fast), and I won many incredibly competitive Sequence games. 

Since I am in an 80's mood, I will quote Ferris this time, "Life moves pretty fast.  You don't stop to look around once in could miss it." 

My plan is to keep "not missing" it.

Once again, I will add some photos soon.

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