Monday, October 15, 2012

A Bonus of Two Bonuses

    It really was a great weekend of golf for the Aztec golf team, for our team of four, and for me.  More teams showed up than were expected, we took second place, and I had two bonuses to add to all the fun.
    The weekend this tournament landed on was timely.  We did not have a volleyball match on the Thursday before and Anna was headed out of town, so practice was cancelled on Friday.  That allowed us to have our “practice” round, the one where we had earned two birdies on hole #9 I had written about previously.
    I bought the mulligans for

our entire team; I was actually the first one there.  Even C.J. had not arrived yet.  We started on #14, and that’s a super hole to start any tournament.  I don’t remember if I had the first drive of the day, but my drive was immense.  I truly swung through my ball, and I know that some adrenaline and some nervous energy helped, but the drive went straight up the left side, and it just kept on going.  When we got up to my ball, it was just on the fairway.  It was about a foot away from small peninsula of taller grass that sticks out into the fairway, and we were 132 yards away according to Bruce’s new distance finder thing.  We ended up getting two birdies right off the bat, and while we were reading our putts on the green Rick (not his real name) from the pro shop came and asked if we had had a long drive already.  We said we did, so he took me in his cart and we drove right up to the spot where my drive ended up; it was easy to find.  I put my name on the paper at the top, and it stayed there for the rest of the day.  That paper is on my little bedroom dresser right now.
    When we arrived at hole #4, things were going well.  In the first three holes, we had earned five out of six possible birdies already.  C.J. and I would usually pair up after our drives and Bruce would be with Reilly.  I made another good swing at this hole, and it helped me to earn a second prize. I chose my 9-iron, and my ball landed to the left of the hole about fifteen feet away.  I saw the sign for a closest to the pin contest about thirty feet away or so.  I thought it might have been for the ladies, but when I read it, it was for the men, so I put my name under the other guy’s name on there, and my name stayed again for the rest of the day. 
    I had won two bonuses in the same tournament!  Wow!  I alone had earned the longest drive and the closest to the pin, a definite first for me.

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