Thursday, November 22, 2012

2 on 1

Written on 11-20-12   

    Okay, I have two birdies to enter, both on hole #1.  One happened at the fundraiser tournament at the end of September and the other happened just two days ago on Sunday.  I had forgotten to put the first one in, because it wasn’t until later that I realized I had earned that one on my own.  Here’s what happened...

Hidden Valley Golf Course-Hole #1-Birdie #35 of 2012

    It was a lousy drive, a terrible start.  I push-sliced my tee shot all the way over to hole #5 and not on the left side of that fairway, but the right.  C.J. and I chose to play that one, though, because it was farther up, and it still had a clear shot to the green.  C.J. made what looked like...

a perfect shot to me.  It was long enough I thought, and I was sure it was on the green, but it ended up short and left.  It was just off the green and in the valley.  I chose my 6-iron for my approach.  My ball ended up on the green over on the right side, but the hole was cut on the left.  It wasn’t all the way on the left like it has been most other times.  It was closer to the middle and just left of the ridge there.  My putt went over that ridge and turned sharply to the right.  It almost went off the green, and we still had fifteen feet or so left.  My putt would have to go uphill right away, and then it would need to turn left.  I went first, and C.J. ended up not having to putt.  My putt rolled in quickly, and we were good to go to the next hole. 


    Happy Thanksgiving!  Happy birthday, Daryl.  In two days, Belinda and I will be married 22 years, so happy anniversary to us.  Also, happy birthday to my best friend Joe in two days.  Tons of stuff going on here near the beginning of the end of November, and it’s all good stuff. 
    I’m sitting in our living room watching the Macy’s 86th Annual Thanksgiving Day Parade.  James is vacuuming and cleaning up after having some friends over last night.  It’s great to have him back home again.  He and I hung out all day yesterday, and he even played golf with me.  I was able to persuade him to go by telling him he would get to drive the cart, I would pay for his round and his lunch, and it would be a pressure-free scramble against Bruce and Reilly.  I returned the favor by playing Halo 4 with him later.  We were going to play online against Reilly and Bruce, but it didn’t work out, which is good because I needed the practice time.
    I have another birdie to write about on hole #1 before I recount any of these other stories, so I will start with that.

Hidden Valley Golf Course-Hole #1-Birdie #36 of 2012

    Our usual threesome met and played Sunday after church.  The weather here has been wonderful lately, high 50’s in the afternoons.  It really pays to have the yearly membership now vs. the seasonal one since we can play more often year-round. 
    We decided to play Beat the Bogey Man, and we set the goal at +2.  This birdie helped get us off to a great start.
    I never saw my tee shot.  The sun was low and in our faces a bit in the late afternoon, so our golf balls would disappear if we weren’t paying close attention.  Bruce and C.J. liked it, though.  When I saw where it ended up, I really liked it, too.  It was past the cottonwood 15 to 20 yards, and it was on a flat spot right in the middle of the fairway.  I chose my pitching wedge for the approach, and it went high and right of the tree on top of the hill.  I still had 20 feet to go for my putt.  I didn’t put it far enough to the left, so it turned right away from the hole at the end.  I still had six feet or so for my birdie, but I made it; it was mostly straight.

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