Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Golf "Sing" Thoughts

    When I play, songs pop into my head, a variety of songs that I know, but some are related to golf in specific ways.  I want to remember these golf-related songs, so I am going to capture them here.  I’ve started to write them down on the scorecards to transfer later.  These are the songs, and the reasons why they pop in and visit when I play.  I am also making a playlist through iTunes.
    This first one is funny to me, but it fits.  It’s...

Good Vibrations by Mark Mark and the Funky Bunch.  I’ve listened to this song often during workouts, and I showed the YouTube video to Danielle and James, but mostly Danielle since she likes Mark Wahlberg, especially in the movies The Fighter and The Other Guys.  At the beginning of that song, he sings amid all the bum, bum, bowm, bowm, bowm...bum, bum bowm, bowm, bowm, “Come on, swing it.  C‘ c’mon swing it.  Come on, swing it. C‘ c’mon swing it.” 
    That can get stuck in my head often because all I want to do with my club (whichever one I happen to be using) is just swing it, come on, swing it.
    The next song is En Vogue’s Free Your Mind.  This song has a great message about letting go of prejudices, but it’s really a singular line that I remember when I’m playing.  It goes like this, “Free your mind, and the rest will follow.”
    This fits because I am constantly fighting getting out my own way.  I know that if I can get out of my way, my game will follow.  Or if I free my mind from negative thoughts, images, etc., I could be the best player in the world.  It’s similar to Yoda telling Luke about his X-wing that is stuck in the swamp, “NO! No, only different in your mind.”  I need to free my mind when I play.

    My niece Sylah and I are taking turns writing a story about two mermaids, a boy mermaid named Ducky and a girl mermaid named Falcon.  The moral of the story is that marrying your best friend is a great way to keep you both from getting in trouble, especially if one of your tail fins gets stuck in some coral.  I am sitting at one of two weathered picnic tables just outside the latest, huge rented cabin for our fifth family reunion here at Grand Lake, Colorado. 
    Back to the songs.  Occasionally, I will hear the words to the song Ain’t Got That Swing.  This one is elementary.  Playing golf “don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing.” 
    I have also heard the Aerosmith song Back in the Saddle.  I hear this song popping into my head after I get back on the fairway on a par five hole.  I’ll sing it in my head this way, “I’m baaaaaaack on the fairway again.”
    The last song, for this entry anyway, is Gerry Rafferty’s Right Down the Line.  I use this song on full swings when I picture my right arm swinging “right down the line” of my shot.  It’s also great for seeing the lines of my putts.  I want my golf ball to roll “right down the line” I am envisioning.

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