Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bev's Surprise Weekend-Part 1

Written on 2-21-14.

    We now have three places in our home that we’ve given different and unique names, all related to peace, tranquility, and serenity.  After the brain surgery, we named our front porch “Haven.”  Our deck has been known as “Sanctuary” for a long time, longer than any of our other favorite places in our home.  Now, we have our “new” living room with all of its supple and newfangled leather furniture, “Refuge.”  Belinda and I are sitting in our living room right now, our refuge, on a Friday night and we feel safe and secure from the outside pressures and dangers of our world.  It’s a most appropriate name.
    She’s reading a book on the spot closest to our gas fireplace.  The stove is off now, but the fan continues to hum, and the metal clicks intermittently as it cools.  I’m to her right, and the heel of my right foot is resting on the inside of her right calf; our legs are entwined, sharing the space on the popped-up leg rest. 
    I have a heating pad on my neck.  My neck’s been hurting off and on since a bad night’s sleep at Mom and Dad’s when we visited there last weekend for Bev’s 50th birthday surprise.  And, I even brought my own pillow.  I’m doing my best to relax and let the heat melt the pain away while I recline and tap away lightly on my keyboard.  Music from my iTunes library is playing on our new Samsung bluetooth speaker bar which is below yet another recent purchase, our Samsung flatscreen TV.  Ahhh, refuge.  Great name.
    Guy came up with the idea of surprising our sister Bev on Presidents‘ Day weekend.  He thought that it would be the perfect weekend because A. She would not suspect it at all since it was two weeks before her birthday on March 4th, and B. It was a 3-day weekend which made it easier for traveling.  He was right, but hey, Guy’s a smart guy.
    We surprised her at Kohl’s.  She was shopping there with Curt and Emily before a meeting about foster parenting.  We sent in the family members one at a time.  The idea was to make it an incredibly random and “out of context” experience, and also to make it get better and better with each person she would see.  It worked...mostly.  Danielle went first.  Bev looked up and said, “No way!  What are you doing here?”
    Danielle said, “We don’t have a Kohl’s in Aztec.” 
    I surprised her next.  It was supposed to be Mom, but she got lost.  Then she was found.  Dad came after Mom.  Seeing Guy got the best reaction that I witnessed.  I don’t think she expected him to make a trip of that distance just for her, but of course he did.  Belinda was the last one to come over inside the Kohl’s.  Laura completed the surprise when she walked over to Bev from the parking lot outside of Kohl’s.
    After the big reveal, we had lunch over at their house.  That night, we enjoyed dinner out at Jose Muldoon’s.  Joe couldn’t make it; he got an unexpected and unwanted head cold.  I think Danielle got a similar one after we came home again.

More next time...   

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