Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A New Year, Another New Journal, and a Full Circle


    I am in bed.  B and Danielle are at a party, a painting party? at the (last name's).  I chose not to go due to my cold and wanting to stay home after seeing The Force Awakens for the third time, this time with Rocky.  It’s funny and ironic because I really wanted to see it today, but I couldn’t think of how I would be able to do it and then I got a text from Kelly stating that Rocky wanted me to attend with him because she had “NO desire” to see it.  Yahoo!  That worked out. 
    James is driving home after taking Nicola back to the Albuquerque Airport.  I hope he makes it.  I just sent him a text to check in, but he had 4% power on his phone when he was leaving from Rio Rancho, so I doubt I’ll get a reply. 

    Welcome to another golf journal.  I’m writing tonight because I just watched an unauthorized biography on J.K. Rowling on Netflix, and it was inspirational.  She just “wanted to write.”  I, in no way, feel like an expert writer, but I definitely understand that urge to want to write, to express my thoughts, and here I go again.  Year in year out since 1999 I’ve continued to...

recount my adventures on and off the golf course.  I’ve recorded my successes and my failures, all while working full time and being a family man. 
    I was published in Four Corners Golf Magazine, but that was small time.  Now that Belinda and I have “rewired,” I am considering pursuing publishing.  But publish what?  How?  Why?  I think about how nobody else has done what I have done, and that’s what intrigues me the most.  Has anyone ever kept track of every single birdie and eagle they’ve made in their lifetime?  I don’t think that’s something any professional golfer has ever done, although a professional makes considerably more of those than I do.  But, once again, what’s the point?  What’s the angle or the big tomato?  I know there’s one in there, but what is it?
    We’ll see what I do and what happens with that.  I will continue to get my official count finished this year and see where that will lead.  I had close to 200 birdies from the time I started until I had my brain surgery.  That was from the end of 1999 to 2011, so that certainly doesn’t seem like much, an average of only about 20 per year. 
    Another huge bonus of all of this writing, and I’ve said this before, is the family history that’s been recorded in these journals.  I started in September of ’99, so James had just turned six and Danielle four.  What a fantastic collection of our family’s events and memories, and it has all somehow survived.  I’ve managed to keep all of these diaries from disappearing and becoming digital nothingness.  I even lost a diary and found it again miraculously.  Later, I lost my official birdie and eagle count and some other sections only to recover them later, too.  Now they are all saved on iCloud and a large, recent portion on my blog at 
    I just went to my blog’s posts, and I see that I have come full circle.  I started playing golf due to two weddings, or rather two bachelor golf outings, my cousin Jeff’s and my friend Rocky’s.  As mentioned above, I just saw The Force Awakens with Rocky today, and that’s the first time he and I have done something together in years.  Also, we just stopped by and visited Jeff and Tiffany and Lexy in their new home in Colorado over the Christmas break.  They recently moved back from California.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Until next time…

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