Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Force Awakens as the Year Winds Down

Written on 12-19-15.

    I am sitting in my mom and dad’s basement.  It’s a couple of hours before the surprise pick-up basketball game for Guy’s 50th birthday.  He has no idea.  Yesterday, we all got to see the latest Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, on its opening day.  What a treat.  I’ve been a Star Wars fan since the late 70’s when I first got to see Star Wars, A New Hope.  One of my best memories ever was being in the audience for The Empire Strikes Back on opening day in May of 1980 with what we are now calling the original gang, Joe, Laura, Bev, Guy and me.  We got to take a picture of the “original gang” again yesterday in front of a pretend Rebel Blockade Runner hallway just outside the theater.  I have it on my camera, but the battery is charging for the surprise game right now.  We watched the movie at the Regal Continental, formerly the Continental, and we saw it in 3-D.  It was FANtastic! 
    I have so much to discuss about this movie, but...

nobody to discuss it with.  After the movie we picked Noodles and Company to go have dinner and talk about everything Star Wars, but Joe and Laura could not attend.  Ray and Chis surprised us all by seeing the showing right before ours, so we invited them to dinner, too, so Chris and I ended up talking about Multiple Sclerosis, mental health problems, and Barry.  Those are all important, certainly, but it wasn’t what I expected.  I could say the same for the movie.  Many things were not what I expected, but many things were.  I’ll explain later.
    In golf news, I shot my first round of nine holes at even par*.  I type that, but I know it’s not completely true.  The asterisk is due to the final hole where I lost a golf ball.  I ended up getting a birdie on that hole, but C.J. was adamant I get a free drop due to our “leaf rule.”

Written on 12-24-15.

    This diary/journal is coming to a close soon; the year is almost over.  When I last wrote, Mom and Danielle came down to visit with me just before the game, so I stopped writing.  Now, I am sitting behind Danielle who is driving our Escape.  B is also in the front.  James and Nicola (from New Zealand) are driving our GMC truck behind us. 
    We are heading back home after an incredibly eventful Christmas season in Denver and Colorado Springs.  Since Danielle and I arrived exactly a week ago today, it’s been one event per day, so I am a bit tired as we head home, but it’s all been wonderful. 
    Friday was the Star Wars movie.  Saturday was the basketball game/reunion for Guy’s continuing 50th birthday celebration.  Sunday was a restful church and Denver Broncos game day.  Monday was Dad’s 80th birthday surprise at the Golden Corral.  James, Nicola, and Belinda arrived that night, too, so we had our Joe Christmas that night as well.  Tuesday was the big Swope/Lambert Christmas celebration at Bev’s place in the Springs.  And yesterday, Mom, Dad and I took Guy and his family to the airport, but Guy soon realized as he was unloading that he had forgotten his laptop bag and ShyShay’s elf on the shelf, so I offered to drive back, get them, and return in time to hand them to Guy at the passenger drop-off.  It worked. 
    I also picked up Belinda and Danielle at Mom and Dad’s.  We decided to use the trip back to the airport as a reason to stop and see Jeff, Tiff, and Lexy and their new house in Northfield Stapleton.  We had a terrific visit there, and we were gobsmacked when we took a tour of their house, a 4,500 to 5,000 square foot former model/show home beauty with all the modern amenities. 
    After our visit there, we stopped at the REI store where Belinda was able to spend a gift card she got from Joe.  She bought some new snowshoes, and they made her so happy she actually cried.  With her MS, she said she feels mildly depressed about 90% of the time, so when something makes her happy (like new snowshoes), she’s a bit overwhelmed with joy.  That’s generous Joe for you.
    Last night, Mom and Dad treated us all to the White Fence Farm, of course, and Joe and Tammy stopped by with their usual lemon meringue pie as their “entrance fee.”  And now we’re driving home.

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