Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Cold at the End of February

Written on 2-23-2020.

It’s a Sunday, but I didn’t go to church.  I was slated to read, too, but I called Inez to let her know how sick I was (she and I were going to read together), but she sounded worse than me.  She got us both a substitute, and I was so relieved.  I needed another day of rest, for sure.
I have a cold, I think.  Two nights ago, I believe (and hope) it was at its worst.  B and I went to Albuquerque for a CORE meeting, and when it was time for bed, I crashed.  I had the chills, I couldn’t breathe well, I had no energy, and I was coughing up some really colorful stuff.  What was worse, I had forgotten my Advair and my electric razor.  Instead of the Advair, I used my rescue inhaler.  B let me borrow her blade, but it was pretty dull.  It got stuck on my skin often, and I am not sure how I able to finish.  It was more like skipping a stone versus skating on a frozen pond.    
I survived to make it to today, though, and I do feel better.  I slept more easily last night, and I know I got more sleep than the night before.

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