Monday, March 21, 2011

Bitter, True Pill from Belinda

    Well, she e-mailed me!  D.K. wants to know what my ideas are, and she said they probably won’t have the first issue of the new New Mexico Golf Magazine out until June. 
    So, what are my ideas?  I have a few.  First, I wrote that I would really hope/love to have my own regular column.  I would inform, entertain, instruct, etc.  I could travel (expenses paid, of course) to area golf courses and write about them and my experiences.  I could link the articles to my blog somehow by saying something like, “for more information, photos, etc., check out 
    I talked to B about this idea, and she gave a very bitter, realistic pill for me to swallow, but I agree with her.  My best writing has been (in my opinion, too) when I have kept my part out of it all.  Sad, but true.  I have not won any championships on my own, so why would anyone want to read what I have to say.  I’m no expert.  I am in some ways, and it is no more apparent than when I have helped out with the golf team a couple of times (more on that later).
    Another idea I had was to write about Billie Morgan, the club champ here at Hidden Valley for the past two years in a row.  Who is this guy?  What’s his golf history?  How does he get his ball to go straight with such a flat, baseball type swing?  Will he win again?
    Yet another idea, one that I had pitched to D.K. once before, would be to write about the Four Corners Club Championship.  How did it start?  Why did it start?  How did the first one go?  When is the next one?  How do clubs qualify?  How do players qualify?
    My reply is saved as a draft in my e-mail program right now.  I plan on getting rid of the part about my having a regular column and pitching for the other two.  (I did change it and send it, and I got rid of the 'hope' part as of today 3-21-11).  Maybe she has an idea for me.
    I am actually writing in my truck at Hidden Valley’s parking lot right now.  I came over here to pay my g.h.i.n. for this year and watch C.J. and Bruce for a few holes.  They are playing together in the best ball tournament today. 
    I am killing time until James runs in his track meet today.  He qualified for both the 100 hurdles and the 300 hurdles, both a first for him.  When I saw him run yesterday, I was impressed!  What a difference a year makes.  He is faster.  He is smoother. 

    He took seventh out of seven in the 100 hurdles.  He was disappointed, but I was so proud.  Last year, he would not even be in the finals.  I go back at 2:30ish to see him run the 300 hurdles.  I am back home now, watching PGA Golf on television while I lie on my bed and write.  For his sake, I hope he does (in his eyes) better.

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